by ImmiLaw Global

A Golden Ticket to Canada – Caregiver/ Home support Worker Pilots ( Permanent Residence for Caregivers)

Immigrating to Canada is a big dream for many. However, not everyone meets the eligibility requirements to immigrate to Canada through the Federal Express Entry Program or Provincial Nomination Program. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), from time to time, implements pilot programs that cater to a broader spectrum of immigration aspirants. On June 18, 2019, Canada opened up two such Pilot programs; Home Child Care Provider pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot program. These programs aim to bring child caregivers and support workers to Canada, enabling them to gain the required work experience and further obtain a Permanent Residence. Every year, a maximum of 2,750 primary applicants, as well as their immediate family members, are accepted through each of these pilots.

The programs are hassle-free in terms of application procedures. The program prescribes relaxed language requirements, and age is not a primary criterion. Contrary to the previous employer-specific caregiver programs, the applicant can now apply for a job-specific open work permit. This provision helps the applicant to choose a different employer when s/he is on the work permit. The key feature of these pilots is that the applicant’s immediate family may accompany, and the spouse may also apply for an open work permit. Additionally, the employer is relieved from the requirement to undergo a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

How does the program work?

The applicants may apply for a temporary work permit if they have a valid job offer from an eligible Canadian employer, and they meet the other eligibility requirements. After attaining the necessary Canadian work experience requirement (which is twenty-four months of Canadian work experience within thirty-six months preceding the date of application), the applicant may apply for a Permanent Residence under the program. If you are an applicant with twenty-four months of Canadian work experience, you may directly apply for Permanent Residence even without a job offer. The other eligibility requirements for Permanent Residence are a post-higher-secondary education in a related field and a language proficiency of CLB-5 (IELTS R-4.; W-5; L-5; S-5). Previous work experience in the relevant field in your home country (for example, India) is important as it helps you obtain a work permit quickly.

Further, the employer offering the job must prove that the employer is financially capable of hiring a caregiver and that the job offer is genuine.

Eligible job titles under the program

The program is currently eligible for applicants falling under the job titles, NOC 4411- Home childcare providers and NOC 4412- Home support workers of the National Occupation Classification (NOC). It is important to note that foster parents and housekeepers are excluded from the provisions of these titles respectively.

Prior to these programs, live-in caregivers under temporary visas were often under the mercy of employers. This resulted in caregivers being stuck in abusive employer environments to meet permanent residence requirements. At times, they were not even eligible for Permanent Residence after years of Canadian work experience. Employers had to incur a heavy cost to undergo a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot program resolves all these issues and is a beneficial initiative in the right direction.

Are you in Canada and you want to hire a Support worker/Child Care Provider from India? Canadian Immigration Lawyers at Immilaw Global can help you complete the application process and legal formalities.

Are you in India and you want to find a caregiver job in Canada? Canadian Immigration Lawyers at Immilaw Global can help you assess your eligibility and process your applications for a Caregiver Work Permit and Permanent Residence.

For Further Details

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