by ImmiLaw Global

Put your career on the right track with a second degree from Canada

Have you ever thought about the possibility of obtaining a second degree from Canada after having already earned a graduate degree from India? Often, those who wish to change their field of study, seek advanced knowledge in a particular field or gain specialization in a related field prefer to obtain a second degree, most likely from abroad.

Why earn a second degree from Canada?

For many students, earning a second degree is a better option than going for postgraduate studies. The reasons can be many:

The decision to change their field of study

Many students often take up an undergraduate course only to realize much later that it does not align with their interests and goals. So it is not ideal for them to pursue a postgraduate degree in the same field. For such students, earning a second degree from an international education destination as Canada would help to get back on the right track.

Obtain advanced knowledge

In a fast-moving world, one needs to keep updating knowledge in their specialized field in order to stay ahead. In advanced countries like Canada, the syllabi of graduate courses are constantly updated, and hence the students are able to earn advanced knowledge.

Earn better credentials

For some students, the graduate degree they possess might not be enough to earn enough credentials to get admission to a master’s course in Canada. Such students may go for a second degree from Canada, which would clear their path for enrolling in a master’s course in Canada.

Shorter time period

In all likelihood, it would not take as much time as you took to complete the first degree in order to earn a second degree. The universities allow students to transfer the credits of the core subjects they studied in the first graduate degree course, so the time taken to complete the course is lesser.

Things to remember about earning a second degree from Canada

  • It is not possible to study a second-degree course that overlaps your first degree. So choose your specialization carefully
  • You need to make sure that you have enough financial resources to support your studies as a second degree means more investment
  • When you decide to pursue another degree course, you are delaying your venture into a professional career by a year or two. So it must be a well-thought-out decision.

Bachelor of Management, Lethbridge University

The Dhillon School of Business under the University of Lethbridge offers a course named Bachelor of Management as a second degree for those who already have an undergraduate degree in another discipline. The course is usually taken up by those students who either wish to broaden their knowledge or change their career.

The Bachelor of Management as a Second Degree offered by the University of Lethbridge is an individualized program of 15-25 courses. It takes only 1.5 to 2.5 years to complete the program.
The students can choose from the following majors:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • General Management
  • Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
  • Marketing

Option for Co-operative education

A major attraction of the courses offered by Lethbridge University is the option to pursue co-operative education. Internationally recognized as a preferred way to complete a degree, co-operative education allows students to gain professional work experience while pursuing academic studies. It also gives students an opportunity to network with employers. The other major advantages of co-operative education are:

  • Co-operative education allows students to find out what all the career options they have after completing their education and make an informed decision while choosing their career.
  • It helps students earn valuable work experience as well as make contacts with employers that may prove beneficial for their future careers.
  • The student gets introduced to a variety of employment sectors and from among these, they may choose a field to practise the theories they learn
  • It helps students develop research skills that would prove useful in their future career and education
  • In co-operative education, students receive support to develop their resume and covering letter as well as sharpen their interview skills
  • They also gain the necessary job skills and life skills that would help them excel in their future career.
  • The students can maintain full-time student status even while they are working full-time.
  • The students can earn between $2,500 – $5,400/month, which help them meet their education and living expenses
  • Increases their chances of getting placed after graduation
  • A Co-operative Education designation on the degree and transcript would give them an edge over their peers while looking for a job.

Do you wish to know more about higher education in Canada? Contact the education consultants of ImmiLaw Global Consultancy, who would help you to choose the right course at the right institution in Canada.